3 months before my baby was due I had to leave work on disability. I wasn't technically on bed-rest, but I couldn't drive, and I lived in Beaverton so obviously no one was going to come hang out with me. For 3 months I literally did nothing but eat icecream, talk to my dog, and freak the fuck out because somehow I would have to get this human out of my body and take care of it for the rest of my life. After said baby was removed from my stomach I spent 12 weeks the way I imagine most new mothers do: crying tears of joy, then crying tears of despair for no reason, trying on pre-maternity clothes and crying some more when they didn't fit, getting puked on, and the remaining 20 hours a day were spent staring at my sleeping baby in bewilderment. Even though I had 8 remaining weeks of leave, after 6 months away I was READY to go back in June.
For a few months I was Supermom. I was kicking butt at work and wiping butt at home without skipping a beat.